Meet Philani

Hello, my name is Philani Simamane born and raised in South Africa in the kingdom of Zulu. I am a photographer and videographer based in Atlanta. Photography and videography have been a part of my life since childhood, thanks to my dad who was passionate and fascinated about cameras. However, I didn't have access to fancy equipment to practice my craft until I moved to the US.

I moved to the US to pursue my education and rugby, that's when my love for photography and videography grew stronger. I started to take it seriously and invested in my first camera. From there, I never looked back.

Today, I am a full-time student and a rugby player, but my love for capturing moments has turned into a business. I am grateful to be able to do what I love and share my passion with others. Every photo and video that I take is a reflection of my creativity, and I take great pride in my work.

I believe that photography and videography are more than just capturing a moment, it's about telling a story. I strive to capture every moment in the most genuine and authentic way possible, and my goal is to create memories that will last a lifetime.